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发布时间:2021-01-10 09:09 编辑:川外外语培训中心
摘要:Speaking Independent Tasks口语独立题 Task 1 [Question] Some professors prefer to give students a certain topic to write about, but some professors prefer to let students choose whatever they want to write. Which one do you prefer and why?
Speaking Independent Tasks口语独立题
Ø Task 1
Some professors prefer to give students a certain topic to write about, but some professors prefer to let students choose whatever they want to write. Which one do you prefer and why?
I prefer that professors let students decide what topic to write about. Firstly, students would be much more motivated to write the paper, since they can write about whatever topic fascinates them. In contrast, if professors always selected the topic, then students might feel a sense of disinterest and would reluctantly write the paper. Secondly, allowing students to choose the topic gives them the chance to be creative and think independently. Students themselves have to decide on a specific topic and then figure out what aspects to explore and discuss in their paper. So, they would need to exercise their imagination and generate their own ideas.