A.To regulate the continuing conflict
首要,“同义改写”会影响到“定位”的精确与速度。新托福阅览十类题型中的现实信息题、罗列扫除题、推理题以及填表题都触及到了原文定位的疑问。定位的精确与速度也是影响阅览分数的一个重要因素。定位的时分,首要断定大区间,也即是题干中给咱们详细的指示“According to paragraph X" ,"In paragraph X" 定位详细的阶段,或是依据“阅览文章行文次序与行文次序根本共同”的特色进行大区间的定位;下一步即是断定题干中的关键字。可是,回原文中定位的时分,有时并不一定能够找到如出一辙的“关键字”,由于托福阅览在定位时往往会设置一个同义改写。比方例一这道现实信息题,咱们首要定位到了第三段,然后寻觅题干中的关键字是“Whig Party’s view of the role of government?(Whig 政党对于政府职能的观念)”,可是定位时,你会发现原文中所对应的出处是"The government’s responsibility was to....。.(政府的责任是..。.)" 也即是说你不能等待定位时一定会从原文中找到如出一辙的“关键字”,这个定位过程中很有也许呈现同义改写的情况。
其次,定位完成后,选项有些也许又会进行一个同义改写。比方例一原文中的“to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability”所对应的准确选项换了个说法,被改写成了“To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit”。所以在挑选选项的时分,你也不能等待选项一定是原文中如出一辙的表达。
C.To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit
例一:According to paragraph 3,which of the following describes the Whig Party’s view of the role of government?
B.To restrict the changes brought about by the market
D.To reduce the emphasis on economic development
Paragraph 3 : Whigs,on the other hand,were more comfortable with the market.For them,commerce and economic development agents of civilization.Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict in society between farers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on the other.Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national income and expanding opportunity.The government’s responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability。
例二:According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?
A.Increased stony content
B.Reduced water absorption
C.Increased numbers of spaces in the soil
D.Reduced water runoff
Paragraph 3: Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established。